To invest in people, prioritize education. This is the theme for the 2023 international day of education. This statement is in all sense factual and this is why Saving Hand Development Initiative (SHADE-IN) prioritises education. One of our children whom we reached out to in a community settlement in 2010 and have supported through his university education just graduated as a Civil Engineer in December, 2022. Recently, one of us was reached by one of our children who has not been able to further his education because of lack of funds. There are so many children who are in this situation in Nigeria. In seven years from this year, the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are meant to be achieved. But how far have we gone in achieving it? Let's start with Goal 1, "No Poverty." Rather than this, it appears that there is an increased poverty rate. In Nigeria for instance, you do not need to read the statistics to know that hunger is in the land as a result of extreme poverty....
SAVING HAND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE ...transforming and building nations by His hand