By Igbayilola Joseph Mayowa(SHADE-IN)
According to Merriam-Webster vulnerable means capable of being physically or emotionally wounded, open to attack or damage, liable to increased penalties but entitled to increased bonuses after winning a game in contract bridge.
Vulnerable is ultimately derived from the Latin noun vulnus ("wound"). "Vulnus" led to the Latin verb vulnerare, meaning "to wound," and then to the Late Latin adjective vulnerabilis, which became "vulnerable" in English in the early 1600s. "Vulnerable" originally meant "capable of being physically wounded" or "having the power to wound" (the latter is now obsolete), but since the late 1600s, it has also been used figuratively to suggest a defenselessness against non-physical attacks. In other words, someone (or something) can be vulnerable to criticism or failure as well as to literal wounding. When it is used figuratively, "vulnerable" is often followed by the preposition "to."
Everyone should have a place to put their head, run to when in need of shelter, a place they can call their home. In some parts of the world, there are families who have a need for support; families with children with disabilities are vulnerable to financial disadvantage, safety, good healthcare, food and water.
Not all families are able to function as a body and can support one another, the deterioration is caused by inability to nurture relationships for their children; these families experience events or stress that make them vulnerable.
Some people do not become vulnerable overnight. Corruption, violence, poverty, and cramped health care system force people to flee for safety and search for shelter in an unfamiliar environment, these people are running for safety and as well wanting to meet their basic needs, but end up endangered
Need for Support
Effective programs should be put in place, programs that are designed to meet family needs. These will ease the burden of shelter, food, water and good healthcare on a family that is in need. So many families are trying to escape from living a vulnerable life by indulging in illicit act thinking they can survive from it.
There is a need to help vulnerable families put food on their table and ease the burden. They have limited opportunities; these families have nowhere to run to, they need food, water, and shelter. This will bring the opportunity to teach them about the importance of helping others in times of need or can provide an opportunity to reinforce the family’s values of relationship, skills, hardwork and giving back.
One of SHADE-IN programmes, “The Family That Prays”, emphasises the importance of prayer as a symbol of spirituality and relationship among family members and as a force to remaining and winning together. It involves mentoring parents on raising responsible and purpose-driven children. Hence, parents need to be mentored in order to raise godly children who will become purpose driven from adolescence, hence reducing the number of vulnerable children and families.
The United Nations stated that “The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic brings into sharp focus the importance of investing in social policies protecting the most vulnerable individuals and families. It is the families who bear the brunt of the crisis, sheltering their members from harm, caring for out-of-school children and, at the same time, continuing their work responsibilities.”
Igbayilola Joseph Mayowa
If you know of any vulnerable family or member of a family that needs help, kindly contact SHADE-IN through any of our contacts but preferable through email: If you think your family is in need of support this period, please also contact us.
To also support SHADE-IN to reach out to vulnerable families and persons, kindly contact us as well through the same avenues.
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#ValueReorientation #NeighbourhoodTransformation
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