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Violence Against Persons: Case Study, Uwaila and Tina - The Way Forward

There is so much to learn from the occurrences of violence against persons in our beloved country, Nigeria, especially during this lockdown and pandemic.

We are glad that a lot of voices are raised regarding Tina Ezekwe's murder and the rape and murder of Uwaila Vera Omozuwa. It is so sad and disheartening.

The Federal Government and designated authorities really need to put a lot of things in place in Nigeria.

We are suffering from the effects of a failed system: failed educational system, failed healthcare system, failed security system, failed sincerity system, failed intelligence system, failed 'humanity' system, etc.

The Executive, Judicial and Legislative arms of government need to synergize to ensure a security and justice system that works.

So here, we have a beautiful, innocent, diligent girl with a promising future lying lifeless. So sad! 
 While some may think of indulging themselves, she chose the safest place, the Church to read, I mean, to read.

There is need for public libraries in strategic places (not a few) which can be regulated for students to utilise.
See, there is huge need to invest in Education.

Yes, there should be an outcry for enhanced quality education, security and safety, improved healthcare, etc.

As a matter of fact, the Federal Government and Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) should come to terms and call of the strike, let our children resume classes, even though it has to be virtual classes for now.

Tina, another beautiful girl with a promising future lies lifeless because of same laEndViolenceAgainstPersons

The law enforcement agency should be equipped with all they need to fight crime, yet be safe and protected. So that they will not have any fears while fighting crime. The officers on the field, on duty should be well equipped, trained and paid to avoid them receiving bribes to distort  justice or act unfairly.

Government should invest in security. Training and retraining, especially mindset reorientation is key for the Security Personnel.

Bills that enhance our systems, security, education, healthcare and better lives for all Nigerians should be passed and upheld.

Please Nigerians, let us not only scream #Justice4Uwa and #JusticeForTina, but cry #Revolution for improved systems that work.

Attention should be given to Education, Healthcare, Security, Agriculture and Infrastructure. When this is achieved, our revenue will increase, employment rate will improve, citizens would be better meaningfully engaged, hence there'll be reduction in crime. Let us not create an enabling environment for crime but suffocate crime out of our system.

In Saving Hand Development Initiative (SHADE-IN), we will continue to advocate 
for these, in line with our thematic areas.

I am glad the Governor of Edo State says the Violence Against Persons (VAP) bill is in place in Edo State. It is a good thing that it is also in use in Nigeria.

Let us swing it into action and get due justice for Tina and Uwa and everyone who requires justice whether their case is viral or not.


Bliss Ojeruse


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