International Youth Day - Intergenerational Solidarity: Addressing Ageism for Sustainable Development.
Currently, in our world today, we have different generations of persons - from the Gen Alpha (2013-2025), the Gen Z (1995-2012), Millennials, Gen Y or Gen Next (1980-1994), Xennials (1975-1985), Gen X or Baby Bust (1965-1979), Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964), the Silent Generation (1925-1945), the Greatest Generation (1910-1924), the Interbellum Generation (1901 -1913), to the Lost Generation or the Generation of 1914 (1890-1915) - Reference.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), "Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age."
It is important to find a balance among the various generations, to collaborate and tap into the uniqueness of each generation and age in order to address Ageism.
It is the duty of the older generations to provide guidance to the younger generations while also learning from them because times have changed. It is also important for the younger generations to learn from the older and channel their potentials in ways that the older can also learn from them.
I would like to state that while times have changed, principles and values should not change with time. I would like to portray principles and values as constant variables - they are not dependent on time, they are meant to remain constant despite change in times and generations. However, time could be the independent variable (not dependent but changes). Age and generations are dependent variables that change with time.
But while principles and values are expected to be constant, it does not mean that they cannot be altered. Different factors can impact on them which can result in either positive or negative change.
A more intentional relationship among the various generations can help to foster great values and principles especially for the younger generations, the youth.
There is need to bridge the values gap among generations, that is why we at Saving Hand Development Initiative (SHADE-IN) have value reorientation and leadership development as part of our core focus.
This is so important in addressing ageism and uniting the generations towards sustainable development.
One place Ageism is more prevalent in the society is in the professional world. A lot of times, recruiters discriminate based on age. While it may seem that there is no such discrimination, especially with the enlightenment on gender and social inclusion (GESI), the discrimination is often hidden under the disguise of 'years of experience'. There are some persons of the younger generation that will not be given certain jobs not because they cannot perform well but because they do not have the required years of experience which only older folks can get because of the 'clause'. In the same way, some older persons cannot get certain opportunities even though they would love to take it up to learn and grow through the process they may have missed in their youth - but it's restricted to certain age, hence, they miss out completely. This also applies to certain opportunities that have age limit based on the demographics they're targeting.
While it is good to have a target audience, I would propose that for every program or organisation, inclusion, diversity should be one driving force. In other words, if they find persons who are qualified in other areas except for the age, there can be an exception to the rules. In other words, ageism should be eliminated as much as possible in every programming.
The reason why ageism should be addressed is to foster inclusion, diversity, great values leading to sustainable development. For instance, an organisation that has persons of the various generations in their membership, workforce will have balanced strategies, programming, operations, values and impact leading to more sustainable development.
So how can great values be shared among the different generations:
🔵Charity they say begins at home. Parents should train their children in the way they should go and instill the right values in them such as respect, patience, care, humility, discipline, diligence, etc in the them.
🔵Older persons should provide guidance to the younger in ways such as coaching and mentorship.
🔵Younger folks should care for and seek counsel from the right elderly.
🔵Both should learn from each other and have mutual respect for each other.
🔵Collaboration should be the approach among the generations. Older generations can support the causes of the younger in different ways such as donations to their causes, being in the Board of Directors and Trustees, playing advisory roles, recommending them and so on, and this should be vice versa depending on the scenario.
This is why SHADE-IN has a wholistic approach to addressing education in Nigeria, working with all stakeholders across the various generations.
I would like to end with these statements by the United Nations:
"To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world needs to leverage the full potential of all generations. Solidarity across generations is key for sustainable development. We must collaborate to foster successful and equitable intergenerational relations and partnerships to ensure "no one is left behind." ”
👉In what ways do you propose that Ageism can be addressed to foster intergenerational solidarity and sustainable development? We would love to hear from you.🤔
#internationalyouthday #iyd #iyd2022
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